Installing STARS for Windows 2.19

Installing STARS is simple. However, there are slightly different procedures depending on whether you're sharing STARS on a network, whether you're upgrading an existing installation of STARS, etc. Find the situation that best describes your situation and follow the instructions below:

Complete Installation Instructions


Installing STARS version 2.19 on a network file server: To proceed with this installation, you should have already downloaded the Full Installation file STARS219.EXE from the download page. On the server, double-click or run STARS219.EXE to automatically unzip a set of compressed files and start the SETUP program which installs STARS. You will be prompted for the server directory into which to install STARS. The default directory for installation is C:\Program Files\winSTARS. You will probably want to change this default directory on your server in order to install STARS into a directory which can be shared to all the users who will need to access STARS.

When the server installation is complete, visit each STARS workstation to install the necessary library files ... unless your workstations have already been setup to use STARS 2.19.

When you first start STARS, you will login using ADMIN / 1234 which is STARS's default userID / password.


Installing STARS version 2.19 for use on a client workstation: To proceed with this installation, you should have already downloaded the Full Installation file STARS219.EXE from the download page. On the client workstation, map a drive letter to the directory or volume where STARS 2.19 is installed on your network file server. Note the path that this mapping provides to the server copy of STARS. For example, after mapping your X: drive to the server, you might see STARS on the server in x:\winstars. You will use this information during the STARS setup.

Double-click or run STARS219.EXE to automatically unzip a set of compressed files and start the SETUP program which installs STARS. You will be prompted for the server directory into which to install STARS. (In this example, you might enter x:\winstars.) When the installation is complete, STARS's setup program will create a desktop icon that will automatically direct the user to the mapped drive and directory where you installed STARS. Note that it's OK to install STARS from a workstation directly onto an existing copy of STARS. No data will be changed or overwritten by this process.

Some folks like to install the client copy of STARS into the default installation directory of C:\Program Files\winSTARS. This is an OK procedure. The copy of STARS that ends up being installed on the local drive will not be used by the user. You should make sure that the user's desktop icon for STARS points to the server's copy of winstars.exe. To prevent the user from accidentally using the local, i.e. wrong, copy of STARS, we recommend that you delete the files in C:\Program Files\winSTARS.


Installing STARS version 2.19 on a stand-alone computer: To proceed with this installation, you should have already downloaded the Full Installation file STARS219.EXE from the download page. On the computer, double-click or run STARS219.EXE to automatically unzip a set of compressed files and start the SETUP program which installs STARS. You will be prompted for the directory into which to install STARS. The default directory for installation is C:\Program Files\winSTARS. We recommend that you accept this default and proceed with the standard installation. When this procedure is complete, the setup program will create a Start menu option and a desktop icon that will enable you to get into STARS quickly and easily.

When you first start STARS, you will login using ADMIN / 1234 which is STARS's default userID / password.

Click here for instructions on logging into STARS after your installation or upgrade is complete.